
3 Things You May Be Surprised To Learn Your Home Insurance Covers

If your roof is damaged in a storm, filing a claim against your home insurance to cover the cost of repairing this damage is likely to be an automatic response. This is because most homeowners expect their insurance to cover them in situations such as this. Unfortunately, there are many other types of coverage that standard home insurance policies typically cover that many homeowners will never take advantage of. This is because many homeowners simply do not realize that they have this coverage. Continue reading to learn more about three of these often surprising situations in which your home insurance will have you covered. 

#1: Your Food Spoils Due To A Power Outage  

You just went grocery shopping and filled your freezer when an extended power outage caused all of your food to spoil. You may be surprised to learn that your home insurance actually provides coverage for this exact situation. While there is often a relatively low payout limit associated with this coverage, most standard home insurance policies will cover the cost of replacing your spoiled food. 

#2: You Are Forced To Stay In A Hotel While Your Home Is Repaired 

While you may be aware that your home insurance will often cover the cost of repairing damage to your home, you may not be aware that this insurance will also help cover the costs associated with being away from home while these repairs are completed. If your home is not safe for you to live in while repairs are being completed, you may be able to file a claim for alternative lodging costs with your insurance company. In some cases, you may even be able to receive a daily stipend for dining expenses during the time you are displaced from your home. 

#3: Your Personal Belongings Are Stolen While Away From Home

If someone breaks into your home and steals some of your personal belongings, you probably already know that you can file a claim with your home insurance provider to cover this loss. However, did you know that you can still file a claim against your home insurance even if you are away from home when your items are stolen? Your home insurance covers your personal property regardless of where that property is located at the time it is damaged or stolen. This means that if someone steals your property out of your car, your locker at the gym, or even a hotel room, you can still file a claim for your loss. 

To learn more, contact a company like Illinois Insurance Center Inc.

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