3 Simple Tasks That Could Save You A Fortune On Auto Insurance
If you could invest just a couple of minutes and potentially save hundreds of dollars each year on your auto insurance, would you do it? If you answered yes, you will be happy to know that this is more than just a hypothetical situation. For many people, it truly is possible to save a small fortune on their auto insurance coverage by taking just a few minutes to complete each of the following three tasks.
Task #1: Install The App
If you have not already downloaded your insurance company's version of a safe driver app, you will want to take the time to complete this task. This task can usually be completed in less than a minute or two and has the potential to save you a ton of cash. Once the app is downloaded, your work is done. The app will do the rest of the work for you by running in the background on your mobile phone and collecting data about your safe driving habits. This data is then sent to your insurance company automatically. Finally, the insurance company will use this data to assign you a safe driver discount. Saving money really doesn't get much easier than that.
Task #2: Increase Your Deductible
When it comes to auto insurance, the general rule is the higher your deductible is, the lower your monthly premiums will be. By accessing your policy online or contacting your insurance agent, you can typically choose to increase the deductible associated with your policy in just a matter of minutes. Making this minor change to your policy can easily save you a lot of money especially if you don't end up filing a claim against your policy. While the amount of your overall savings will be decreased if you do end up filing a claim and need to pay the higher deductible, most people will find that they still enjoy overall savings by choosing to raise their deductible.
Task #3: Eliminate Duplicate Coverage
While you do not want to compromise the quality of your coverage just to save a couple of dollars over the short term, there simply is no need to be paying for duplicate coverage. For instance, if you currently have a major credit card that offers rental car or roadside assistance coverage, there is no need to be paying for this same type of coverage under your auto insurance plan as well. Taking just a few minutes to review your policy and identify any duplicate coverage options that can be eliminated is an extremely quick and easy way to save money on your car insurance without the need to reduce the amount of overall coverage that you enjoy.
Reach out to an auto insurance company for more information.