
No Insurance? You Could Go To Jail

In almost every state, you are required to carry a minimum of liability insurance on your vehicle. Period. Even though this requirement is a well-known fact, many people try to save money and get by without it. For a very small number of drivers, this strategy may work. For most people, this strategy is risky and can lead to serious penalties. In extreme circumstances, you could go to jail. If you own a car, you need to keep the right insurance. 


Penalties for driving without vehicle insurance vary state by state. However, you can be certain that being caught without the proper coverage will cost you. In Georgia, for instance, a simple lapse in existing coverage isn't considered a big deal. As long as you are without insurance for ten days or less and can show proof of new insurance, you will pay a $25 fine. If you do not have current coverage, the penalties can be steep. In fact, you will be charged with a misdemeanor, fined between $200 - $1000, and face a temporary license suspension. Things will go worse for you if this isn't your first violation. You can end up spending time in jail, as much as twelve months. By the time you pay all your expenses from the fines and legal fees, buying liability insurance will look pretty cheap. Virginia and New Hampshire do not require that you carry insurance, but all the other states do. If you want to be responsible and safe from the law, you will take out a liability policy. 


Depending on the value of your car, you may choose full coverage. If money is tight, you can settle for the minimum required: liability insurance that will protect others if you are at fault in an accident. The average monthly cost of required liability insurance is $56.25 per month.  You can stay within the law for about $600 per year, far less money than getting caught without insurance is likely to cost you. 

If you are considering skipping your insurance coverage, don't. If you are caught without insurance, the penalties can be severe. Also if you are involved in an accident and do not have proper coverage, you may well be sued for compensation if you are the driver at fault. Basically, you cannot afford to be without liability insurance. If you cannot afford a policy, you should park your car until you can. 

To learn more about your options for low cost auto insurance policies, check out a company like Green Light Auto Insurance Specialists.

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