
Buy A Muscle Car That Needs Work And You Have To Store It? What To Know

If you've recently purchased an old muscle car that you want to fix up, but you don't have anywhere to store it around your living space, there are a few things you'll want to consider. You want to store it an enclosed and safe place, and you want to make sure that it's properly covered with specialty auto insurance. You'll want to call around and find a storage facility where the vehicle will sit, and also a specialty insurance company that has great coverage for classic cars.

Choose a Storage Facility

You want to know the car is going to be cared for, so choosing a storage facility with strong security is important. You want to find a business that has gates at the entrances so people have to use a key code or key to get in around the clock. The unit where your automobile is stored shouldn't have a padlock, but instead a keypad on the door, or a cylinder lock, since padlocks are easily removed with metal cutters. The storage business should also have video cameras to view people that come in and out, and you may want a temperature controlled unit for your car.

Get Specialty Insurance  

As you start work and improve your old muscle car, the value is going to improve. You want to contact an auto insurance company to see what it will cost to get the storage coverage you need, and over time you will need to change this to insurance coverage for being on the road. As you make updates and changes to the vehicle, you'll want to make sure you call your insurance company. They need to know what parts are on the car, what body work has been done, and more so they can properly cover the vehicle.

If people see your vehicle coming in and out of the storage facility, they may target your unit because they know something valuable is in there. Make sure that you take pictures of your vehicle and document all the parts you put on it regularly to send to your insurance provider, so you are fully covered for the quality of parts and the money you have invested into your machine. A covered storage unit is best because you don't want any weathering to damage your new muscle car, and you don't have to worry about pests getting around or inside your car and doing damage. 

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