Crash Boom Bang: How Insurance Companies Handle Automobile Accidents
If you've been involved in a car accident, it can be stressful and downright frightening, even if the accident was not your fault or there were no injuries. Most vehicle owners rely on their cars to get to work and to other important places, so being without a car can be extremely frustrating. After you've called your insurance company and taken down the information from the other driver or drivers, how does the insurance company move you forward? Read on to find out.
The Role of Insurance Adjustors
Insurance companies hire people called adjustors whose job it is to determine the scope of the damage done to your car and estimated cost of repair, as well as whose fault the accident may be. They'll also get a copy of the police report to review. The adjustor will ask for your personal account of the accident and arrange a time to come and take a look at your vehicle. They will take photos of the damage and often recommend that you take the car to one of the insurance company's certified mechanics. They may also ask you to sign a medical release form if there have been no injuries sustained.
Getting Repairs Done
While you don't have to take your car to the insurance company's approved body shops, this could limit any warranties on repair and labor done to the vehicle. If you opt not to use their body shop, you'll be asked to get a few estimates on your own time and submit them. Keep in mind that by going to the mechanic and body shop of your choice, if the cost is higher than what the insurance company is willing to pay, you'll be responsible for the difference.
While You Wait
Most car insurance companies provide their customers with rental cars while they're waiting for their vehicle to be repaired. There is usually a set limit on how many days you can use the rental car, but if the repair time ends up taking longer, you can usually request that they extend the number of days you're allowed to use a rental. If you find that you've lost time at work due to the accident, you may be able to file a supplemental request to be compensated, but this will depend on the type of coverage you have in place. If there's any discrepancies with your claim, you have the option of going to a mediator or contacting a supervisor who may be able to help you correct any problems so you can get back in the driver's seat quickly. To find out more, speak with a business like AZBY Brokerage Inc.